Be oneself 整骨院

Be oneself 整骨院


Be oneself 整骨院 へようこそ      Welcome to Be oneself bone setter.

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Be oneself (ビー・ワンセルフ)整骨院のHPへお越し頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。








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Be oneself ヒーリングセラピスト・柔道整復師・ カイロプラクター  青木幹和

Thank you very much for visiting Be oneself bone setter website.

Please let us work together to restore your condition to its original state.

At the clinic, considering whole bodies such as skeletal, muscles and other tissues, minds and hearts including energies.  Taking the balance using several techniques to lead you to improve.

After the treatment, you may feel lighter, easier, and more energetic.

Energies or Ki are around or inside of our bodies. They work to help our body or mind conditions. There are various kinds of energies and some can be the cause of discomforts or various  situations. They also affect to the doctors, staffs or other patients and also to the atmosphere of the clinic.

When energy is the main cause of a discomfort, not only after body treatment, but only after energy treatment, it may improve.

Our clinic is run by a laboratory that has more than 25 years of experiences in using energy or Ki techniques.  We have the techniques to clean up energies and it also leads to a great result of the treatment and the good atmosphere of the clinic.

All of our stuff cleared Be oneself energy test level.

All treatments are performed by appointments only and in a completely private room to prevent infection and protect your privacy. 

Our technique is unique to Be oneself and is not affiliated with any other healing  organization.

Healing and Judo therapist, chiropractor                                                            Motokazu Aoki

Be oneself 整骨院